Hi again, So after diagnosis, what next? In short…appointment after appointment after appointment. The first treatment of the “Standard of Care” treatment plan I had was concurrent radiation therapy and chemotherapy, scheduled every day for six weeks. Basically 42 days straight; it was tough. The radiation made me very fatigued and my hair began to fall out. The fatigue was probably the worst thing. The doctor had said that this was because the tumour was using up my energy and the radiation just amplified this. I had never experienced fatigue and exhaustion like it. Everything I did seemed to take so much effort and by the end of the day I would be incredibly tired, so much so that I just wanted to be in bed most of the time. I hated feeling like this and asked the doc if there was anything I could do. He prescribed me tablets that are usually given to children with A.D.H.D. Incredibly, they worked! After 33 consecutive days of rediation therapy, this was the ...